Consulting Services
Visioning and Strategic Planning
Leadership Coaching
Leadership Retreats
Visioning and Strategic Planning
Vision is the hallmark of leadership potential – the ability to look at your organization or your region, to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, to consider the competition, to identify near- and long-term opportunities, to see over the horizon and clearly define where you intend your company or your community to be in five, 10 or even 20 years.
Strategy and execution are the means by which your vision – and your leadership potential – are realized. But interpersonal conflicts and competing agendas among people who are very familiar with one another can undermine serious efforts to define your long-term vision and to successfully plan to achieve it. These discussions often break down into operational issues and get stuck in detail instead of staying focused on the big picture. Participants fall into common patterns and aren’t sure how to look for new perspectives. Meetings get off track and often don’t produce action items or a way to assure the planned actions really take place.
As an objective facilitator with relevant experience and a record of success, Bannon Leadership Consulting Founder Shawn Bannon is able to keep the group focused; ask probing questions; encourage full participation; balance personalities; promote mutual understanding; foster inclusive actions; enable the group to tap its collective wisdom; and help create sound, sustainable agreements.
If you’re ready to get serious about the visioning and strategic planning process, Shawn is available to lead one- and two-day intensive, fully customized workshops that will take you and your business, civic or community leadership team through the critical steps of visioning and strategic planning, including but not limited to:
- Assessing the Present
- Defining a Brighter Future
- Understanding the Strategic Gaps
- Developing Plans for Bridging Those Gaps
- Common Obstacles and Hurdles to Prepare for and Avoid
- Critical Factors in Successful Planning
- Organizing to Give Key Players a Seat at the Table
- Developing Detailed Work Plans and Assigning Responsibilities
- Drafting Vision Statements
- Soliciting Community/Client/Employee Reaction and Revising
- Strategic Planning to Realize the Vision
Community/Regional visioning is a process that may take upwards of six months, depending on the commitment of those involved and the complexities of gathering input from important civic and community partners along with the general public. Shawn’s one- and two-day workshops will prepare you to lead your community through this process, but Shawn also is available to discuss longer-term engagements to serve as a consultant throughout the process in order to facilitate ongoing development and execution of the vision and resulting strategic plan.
Leadership Coaching
Being born with leadership potential is not enough to ensure success as a corporate executive, chamber president, mayor, schools superintendent or nonprofit director. Rather, a leader must work hard to develop the skills to match her will to lead. And that’s what the Bannon Leadership Consulting Leadership Coaching program is all about.
Our Leadership Coaching program offers you a confidential, one-to-one relationship with Bannon Leadership Consulting Founder Shawn Bannon. Over the years, Shawn has worked with C-suite executives of international Fortune 500 companies, chamber and community leaders, and elected officials at virtually every level of government. In this special Leadership Coaching program, he’ll work directly with you through in-person meetings, phone calls, videoconferencing, e-mails and occasional observation sessions to help you deliver the core competencies common to every great leader, additional skills that draw on your unique leadership potential and any other leadership qualities that you may want to develop (e.g. confident public speaking, media awareness and polish, etc.).
Leadership Coaching delivers invaluable returns to the leader who:
- values honest feedback;
- is open to new ideas;
- wants to develop new skills and improve upon existing proficiencies; and
- sees his own potential and wants to realize it.
This service is highly individualized and completely confidential. To begin your journey from good leader to great leader, contact us today.
Leadership Retreats
Bannon Leadership Consulting Founder Shawn Bannon is available to guide your executive team (or candidates you’ve chosen from your staff for leadership skills development) through half-day, 1-day and 2-day Leadership Skills retreats.
During these sessions, we will:
- discuss the core competencies common to every great leader;
- conduct exercises to assess existing skills and natural leadership qualities among participants;
- identify areas for development;
- role play scenarios that challenge participants to examine how they lead;
- provide feedback to one another in an environment that removes political or hierarchical barriers to honest dialogue;
- improve team cohesiveness;
- establish long-term Leadership Skills development plans for each participant; and
- define lasting mentorship and support relationships among participants to encourage ongoing dialogue, observation, feedback and improvement for every participant.